A Bold Adventure

A Bold Adventure


Ade (Adrian Bold) was our best mate's late Dad. Not only that, he was our sports coach and leader for numerous teams. He was a role model as a family man and a good friend.

Ade loved sport, any kind of sport and did so much for many people by inspiring them to dust off their kit and get moving. Whether it was golf, cricket, football, he just loved playing sport, leading and inspiring others to play and he put as much energy into the social side as he did into the actual sport.

When Ade passed away last year, we organised a charity football match and his son Alex, donated the money raised to a young lad called Milo he found on Just Giving who wanted to buy sports equipment for his local orphanage. It felt so good that we wanted to do more, cue the creation of ‘A Bold Adventure’.

A Bold Adventure will raise funds to continue Ade Bolds legacy, supporting grass roots sport, and helping more underdogs and volunteers like Milo to inspire and enable more people to play sport and have fun.